August |
The Common App launches on August 1 and you may begin importing your information into the online format. ACTION 1: The Common App OBJECTIVE 2: Schedule a college application consultation. ACTION 2: Individual College Application Consultation OBJECTIVE 3: Re-take opportunities are still available for the ACT and SAT. Prep for, register, and take the ACT and/or SAT. ACTION 3: Dr. Carlin's ACT Prep Webinar Register for September ACT |
September |
Meet with your high school counselor to make a plan for requesting necessary documents (transcripts, recommendation letters, etc.) by the appropriate deadlines. Ask for recommendation letters from teachers, coaches, administrators, youth leaders, etc. for college applications. It is helpful to provide them with a ʺStudent Bio Sheetʺ listing all of your accomplishments, extra-curricular activities, interests and goals as a quick reference guide. ACTION 1: Student Bio Sheet OBJECTIVE 2: Re-take opportunities are still available for the ACT and SAT. Prep for, register, and take the ACT and/or SAT. The ACT is offered this month if you need to re-take it for a higher score. ACTION 2: Dr. Carlin's ACT Prep Webinar Register for October ACT Dr. Carlin's SAT Prep Webinar Register for October SAT OBJECTIVE 3: Continue to work on college applications. If you are experiencing difficulties with the essay revision process, schedule a college application consultation. ACTION 3: Individual College Application Consultation |
October |
If applying for ʺEarly Decisionʺ admission the deadline may be in November. Be sure to understand that if it is a "binding" policy, you must withdraw all other applications if you are accepted. ACTION 1: Submit application for "Early Decision" schools and/or "Early Action" schools or Continue applications for "Regular Decision" schools. Understand the difference between each option. Early Decision vs. Early Action OBJECTIVE 2: Ask the counseling office to submit any transcripts or additional materials that may be required for college applications or scholarships - follow up to make sure the colleges received the information. If you are experiencing difficulties with the essay revision process, schedule a college application consultation. ACTION 2: Individual College Application Consultation OBJECTIVE 3: Re-take opportunities are still available for the ACT and SAT. Prep for, register, and take the ACT and/or SAT. The ACT and SAT are offered this month. Action: Dr. Carlin's SAT Prep Webinar Register for November SAT |
November |
If you are not satisfied with your SAT and ACT scores, you should be preparing to take the tests for a final time in December. The SAT is offered this month. ACTION 1: Dr. Carlin's ACT Prep Webinar Register for December ACT Dr. Carlin's SAT Prep Webinar Register for December SAT |
December |
Many college applications are due January 1st, so this is the month to complete the admissions process. ACTION 1: Make it your goal to have all applications and supporting materials submitted by winter break. Both the ACT and SAT are offered this month. This will be your last chance to take these tests in order to submit the scores to meet college application deadlines. |
January |
Complete the FAFSA form (Free Application for Financial Student Aid) available Jan.1. The federal deadline to submit this form is June 30, but many states have earlier deadlines in March and April. ACTION: FAFSA |
February |
You may receive acceptance information this month. If accepted as Early Decision, withdraw all other applications. ACTION 1: Continue applying for financial scholarships. If you've been accepted, you may apply for institution specific scholarships. |
March |
You may receive acceptance information this month. ACTION 1: Continue applying for financial scholarships. If you've been accepted, you may apply for institution specific scholarships. |
April |
You may receive acceptance information this month. Colleges typically notify students in March or April if students applied as ʺregular decision.ʺ ACTION 1: Review the financial aid packages offered by colleges you are considering and have been accepted to. Begin applying for institution specific scholarships if you haven't done so yet. |
May |
AP Exams are held this month during the first few weeks of May. Take the exams for the courses that you're enrolled in to obtain college credit. ACTION 1: Taking AP Exams OBJECTIVE 2: Any wait list decisions will be made by this point and you should be notified of your admission status. ACTION 2: You should make your final decision (in writing) by May 1 to be accepted for fall enrollment and to qualify for many scholarships. |
June |
Once a final decision is made and you've accepted the offer, the college will send you information about course scheduling, orientation sessions, housing arrangements, and other necessary forms. ACTION 1: Be mindful to complete all required paperwork by the appropriate deadlines. OBJECTIVE 2: Begin to prepare for success at the college level. Develop a plan and practice strategies to ensure success. ACTION 2: Dr. Carlin's Top 10 College Survival Tactics |
July |
Proper preparation prevents poor performance! Prepare yourself to achieve your next goal of graduating from college. ACTION 1: Dr. Carlin's Top 10 College Survival Tactics |